

2005年際,曾有架小飛機誤闖飛航禁區,進入離白宮三英哩方圓上空,白宮紅色警戒(red alert),全員疏散,戰鬥機昇空攔截。搞了半天原來是賓州一處飛航俱樂部的教練機。最擅長搞笑嘲諷的漫畫家自然不放過機會,丁丁轉載的這幅漫畫標題 (The Little Airplane That Shouldn't Have ) 可有意思了,可以分成兩部分來藉題發揮。

先從 The little something that … 說起,此題是從一九三○年出版的一本童書《The Little Engine That Could》蛻變而來。Could 後面的主動詞是隱性的(implied),若寫出來應該就是 The Little Engine That Could Do It。小小引擎志氣高,爬越高山,不屈不撓,終將滿載玩具送到眾多乖孩子手中。小引擎的「I think I can」積極態度,激勵了七十年來許多小小讀者,也成為兒童勵志書的祖師爺。The Little ...that could 更成為極受歡迎的句型,大引擎、小引撆、各式引擎、能的、不能的,變化之妙,各在一心,應用例子捬手即是:

在此漫畫家用否定式:小小飛機本不該(shouldn't have done this),不該闖禁區。大家都知道,英文文法告訴我們,與現在相反的事實要用過去式,與過去相反則用完成式。小小飛機不該闖,但是它闖了,所以 should 後面用完成式說它不該做了這件事:
  • You shouldn't have done this / You should have done that──木已成舟。
  • I wouldn't have done this / I would have done that──馬後炮。
  • I couldn't have done this / I could have done that──不是我要做 / 不做呀。
通常這話後面有個條件子句,if this or that had (happened)… 因為這先決條件發生的時間更早,所以用的是過去完成式,一路往前溯源去:
  • I wouldn't have done this if I had known that──我要早知道,哪會這樣幹啊?
有一本不新的書,就是專講這種事後懊悔、早知道、要不是、真可惜的性格分析《Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda : Overcoming Regrets, Mistakes, and Missed Opportunities》。da、da、da 則是 would have, could have, should have 簡化成 would've, could've, should've 的混音。

曾幾何時,The Little Island That Could 卻竟變成了 The Little Island That Should Have/Shouldn't Have…da, da, da…Oh, well, nobody could have foreseen this, even if you had told me so…Yes? No? I really don't know…

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