

Chapter 2

Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit him, though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go; and till the evening after the visit was paid, she had no knowledge of it. It was then disclosed in the following manner. Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat, he suddenly addressed her with,



"I hope Mr. Bingley will like it, Lizzy."
"We are not in a way to know what Mr. Bingley likes," said her mother resentfully, "since we are not to visit."
"But you forget, mama," said Elizabeth, "that we shall meet him at the assemblies, and that Mrs. Long has promised to introduce him."


"I do not believe Mrs. Long will do any such thing. She has two nieces of her own. She is a selfish, hypocritical woman, and I have no opinion of her."
"No more have I," said Mr. Bennet; "and I am glad to find that you do not depend on her serving you."

「我才不信郎太太會這麼做呢。她自家就有兩姪女。 這女人又自私又虛偽,我對她,可沒什麼好感。」

Mrs. Bennet deigned not to make any reply; but unable to contain herself, began scolding one of her daughters. "Don't keep coughing so, Kitty, for heaven's sake! Have a little compassion on my nerves. You tear them to pieces."


"Kitty has no discretion in her coughs," said her father; "she times them ill."
"I do not cough for my own amusement," replied Kitty fretfully.
"When is your next ball to be, Lizzy?"
"To-morrow fortnight."


"Aye, so it is," cried her mother, "and Mrs. Long does not come back till the day before; so it will be impossible for her to introduce him, for she will not know him herself."
"Then, my dear, you may have the advantage of your friend, and introduce Mr. Bingley to her."
"Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him myself; how can you be so teazing?"

「怎麼可能,賓大老爺,不可能,我自己都還不認識他; 你怎麼可以這樣取笑人?」

"I honour your circumspection. A fortnight's acquaintance is certainly very little. One cannot know what a man really is by the end of a fortnight. But if we do not venture, somebody else will; and after all, Mrs. Long and her nieces must stand their chance; and therefore, as she will think it an act of kindness, if you decline the office, I will take it on myself."


The girls stared at their father. Mrs. Bennet said only, "Nonsense, nonsense!"
"What can be the meaning of that emphatic exclamation?" cried he. "Do you consider the forms of introduction, and the stress that is laid on them, as nonsense? I cannot quite agree with you there. What say you, Mary? for you are a young lady of deep reflection I know, and read great books, and make extracts."

「這麼用力強調,請問是何用意?」 他拉高聲調:「難道妳認為介紹這種形式,而且如此鄭重其事地介紹,都只是荒唐無聊?這我可不大苟同。妳怎麼說,瑪麗?我知道妳可是位見解深刻的年輕女士;而且還飽讀詩書,又能引經據典。」

Mary wished to say something very sensible, but knew not how.
"While Mary is adjusting her ideas," he continued, "let us return to Mr. Bingley."
"I am sick of Mr. Bingley," cried his wife.


"I am sorry to hear that; but why did not you tell me so before? If I had known as much this morning, I certainly would not have called on him. It is very unlucky; but as I have actually paid the visit, we cannot escape the acquaintance now."


The astonishment of the ladies was just what he wished; that of Mrs. Bennet perhaps surpassing the rest; though when the first tumult of joy was over, she began to declare that it was what she had expected all the while.


"How good it was in you, my dear Mr. Bennet! But I knew I should persuade you at last. I was sure you loved our girls too well to neglect such an acquaintance. Well, how pleased I am! and it is such a good joke, too, that you should have gone this morning, and never said a word about it till now."


"Now, Kitty, you may cough as much as you chuse," said Mr. Bennet; and, as he spoke, he left the room, fatigued with the raptures of his wife.


"What an excellent father you have, girls," said she, when the door was shut. "I do not know how you will ever make him amends for his kindness; or me either, for that matter. At our time of life, it is not so pleasant I can tell you, to be making new acquaintance every day; but for your sakes, we would do any thing. Lydia, my love, though you are the youngest, I dare say Mr. Bingley will dance with you at the next ball."


"Oh!" said Lydia stoutly, "I am not afraid; for though I am the youngest, I'm the tallest."
The rest of the evening was spent in conjecturing how soon he would return Mr. Bennet's visit, and determining when they should ask him to dinner.


修飾帽子: 當時仕女時尚講究戴帽,帽上堆飾花鳥蟲魚,每季有每季的流行,有錢人家年年買新帽,不特別有錢的有時就只能自己重新修飾過季舊帽。賓家屬中等之家,稍有資產,也如當時一般鄉紳之家用得起幫手,但畢竟女兒眾多,不是那麼寬裕,伊莉莎白修飾帽子一節便暗示此中背景。身份、階級、財富的差異,正是本書情節發展與人物心態的關鍵因素。賓母的愛財、彬禮姐妹的勢利、伊莉莎白的偏見、達西的傲慢,俱都由此中而來。

3 意見:

    Blogger 提到...

    我覺得 trim 可以翻譯成



    trimming: (a piece of) decorative material added around the edge of something


    丁丁 提到...

    謝謝la.traducteuse的意見,當然這是可以考慮的選項,不過trim當「修理」解時,主要是指「剪去」(clip/remove/cut off),而非「縫補」(darn/mend),「剪掉」用在小姐的帽緣上可能有點問題。所以第二義「修飾」(decorate/ornament)也許較為合適。


    3. To decorate; to invest or embellish with extra ornaments; as, to trim a gown with lace.

    2. To dress; to decorate; to adorn; to invest; to embellish; as, to trim a hat. <-- to trim a Christmas tree. -->

    此外,從textual context來看,下句的"I hope Mr. Bingley will like it, Lizzy."(我希望彬禮先生會欣賞這頂帽子),或許較合乎「積極性」的裝飾,而非「消極性」的補綴破損。


    丁丁 提到...

    此外,用"trimming hats"或"hat trimming"查google images,也可以幫我們對trim在此的字義獲得進一步的了解。