Are you happy? Yes, I'm (happy).
Did he go? No, he didn't (go).
I am, I don't, he hasn't,是標準的半句表情,不稀奇。前些時曾談過「The Little Engine That Could」,今天則在這裡看到一篇關中國經濟的文章,標題「China, the Dragon that Isn't」,這兩種半句戛然而止的句型就較堪玩味了。而且正好湊成一對,前者積極激勵,後者反語暗諷,都恰到好處藏而不露。
丁丁見獵心喜,這兩句俏皮話趕緊背誦下來,又「駕古狗,踏破網路山缺」,獵出各式套用這「The something that …n't」句型的實例,以便現買現賣──哦不!活學活用。忠實的古狗果不我欺,一下子就嗅出一缸子來,略舉一二,以彰其用:
先從大名鼎鼎的艾西莫夫(Isaac Asimov)開始:
- The Planet That Wasn't
- Afghanistan: The Liberation That Isn't
- Election Law: "The Reform that Isn't"
- Microsoft - The Settlement That Isn't
- The "Ism" That Isn't (Why Social Determinism Cannot Mean What it Says)
- IRAQ: The War That Isn't
- The Jobs That Aren't
- The Victories That Weren't
- The Weapons That Weren't
- The whatever that isn't (whatever).
- The liberation that isn't (liberation).
- The liberation that isn't (what liberation is).
- The liberation that isn't (what liberation is supposed to be).
- The liberation that isn't (what liberation seems to be).
- The International Airport That Isn't
- The Bullets That (Were or) Weren't
- The Super-Rich That Aren't
- The I That Ain't…
此處 regular 字義, 是指 Having bowel movements with normal or healthy frequency. (American Heritage Dictionary) ,就是那個「大 X 正常化」啦!!這句廣告真是太妙啦!